Real Estate Industry News

In the pursuit of real estate sales or lease transactions, there are endless ways to discover information that you can use to open dialogues, gather information and extend conversations. But what about when it’s time to actually pick up the phone and make the cold call?

Imagine the scenario: You noticed a “for sale” or “for lease” sign on a building with just a phone number. The sign wasn’t there yesterday, and you know you’d better move quickly. You don’t who else has already come across this potential lead.

So you pick up the phone and dial. You introduce yourself and begin to inquire about the property you saw when you hear a noise in the background, and the receptionist puts you on hold.

Now what?

Did you catch the noise, disruption or other ambient information in the background? This is a valuable area of intelligence-gathering if you are in tune with your senses.

Information comes in many forms — including interruptions or background discussions. Was the interruption someone in the office confirming your competitor’s appointment? Was it about a damaged or defective product?

Once the receptionist has returned to your call, take note of any changes in tone or perceived mood. Play to that. Take a moment to show a little care or laugh about what you heard. Let the person you’re speaking with know that you don’t mind the interruption, and that you understand the difficulties of that position. Already, you’re building a relationship.

Ready to move on to the purpose of your call, you now can slot in your script points. I suggest you state your purpose here and let your new comrade guide you. The goal of each cold call is to lay the foundation for the eventual sale. Here, try to find out why the space is available. What happened to the last tenant? Is this a contraction of the company’s space? Don’t push too hard here, though. You want them to share information with you, not feel like they’re taking a test.

You are arming yourself for your eventual conversation with the person responsible for the property. Part of a sale is staging the scene. For instance, if the background disturbance allows you to cultivate a rapport with someone in the office, you should take advantage of the opportunity. When you arrive for the in-person meeting, should that chance materialize, you will already have made a personal connection with someone who knows the lay of the land.

I have found the well-positioned befriended employee can provide valuable insight not achievable elsewhere. Think about it this way: What if your new connection tells you the person you called for isn’t the right contact for you? What else might they know? Stay with them — even if it means being placed on hold again. You must show interest in the person conveying this information. Ask about their background (use common sense to avoid crossing boundaries). Learn where they are from. Chat them up. Ask appropriate questions about the person you will speak to next on your mission. From the first interaction, begin building community that puts you in a good position when you move to your ultimate goal.

Be sure to remember their name and make them feel part of your effort. Eventually, of course, they are going to have to focus because they are at work. At this point, ask them to please take a message and give it directly to the contact responsible for the property you are interested in. For their new friend, they may even deliver the message in person or with a kind word about you.

It sounds simple, but making a personal connection right off the bat can help you gain a significant advantage when cold calling or meeting people to discuss properties you’re interested in. Start incorporating this strategy on any call you make, whether it’s a business call or not, and you may be surprised at the doors you can open.