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You don’t have to be in a drought-stricken area to realise just how important it is to conserve water. Being blessed with a steady supply of fresh clean water is no excuse to waste one of our planet’s most important resources. Read on the tips below to find out how you can save water at home without going through a lot of changes.

Use Every Drop Wisely

Are you guilty of letting the tap run until the water is hot enough for your liking? Do you just let water used for washing veggies simply go down the drain? That’s clean water being wasted! Why not catch those precious drops in a basin and use that water for your plants? You’d save quite a lot just by doing this, more so that faucets can waste about 2 gallons of water per minute that they are left running.

Cover Your Pool

Up to 30% of your pool’s water can evaporate on a very hot day – so make sure to cover the pool when not in use. Even in colder weather, a covered pool can save on energy used for heating.

Catch Leaks Early

Do you know that a leaking toilet can waste as much as 200 gallons per day and that a slow dripping faucet can waste about 20 gallons in the same time period? Catch and take care of leaks early and you’ll save quite a huge amount of water.

Upgrade Your Toilets

Toilets from older versions of what is currently available use about 6 gallons of water per flush. That’s 3X to 6X more than the newer models which use only 1.28 to 1.6 gallons per flush. Imagine how many times you flush the toilet in an average household. You’d save enough water to fill a small pool in a month!

Wash Dishes Wisely

If you’re using sinks to wash dishes, fill one sink in your double set up with soapy hot water and the other one with clean water for rinsing. You’ll be saving about half your usual dish-washing water consumption with this tip.

If you’re using a dishwasher, consider going for a smaller more efficient unit. Just by doing this, you’ll be saving about 10 gallons of water per dishwasher load.

Opt for a Better Washer

An energy-certified washer will not only save energy, it also consumes less water than non energy-certified counterparts because it uses 40% less water than regular washers being sold.

Shower with a Purpose

Dawdling in the shower can waste gallons upon gallons of water. Aside from turning off the shower when you’re soaping up, making an effort to shorten your shower’s time can result in significant water savings.

Garden the Smart Way

Watering by hand is not only great light workout but can also save 33% more water as compared to using an irrigation system. If you really want to go for landscape irrigation, opt for rotator sprinkler heads. They use less water by shooting only small amounts of water at a time, increasing penetration to the soil and wasting less to drift. Better yet, save rainwater in big drums and use that water for watering your garden.

Interested to live in a Canadian Town that is all about saving our natural resources? You’ll love the community of Oakville! Contact us soon if you need help finding a beautiful Oakville home that’s perfect for your needs!